Nullification Crisis Dbq Analysis

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Disagreements in political decisions became a large dividing factor between the North and the South, along with the growing disagreements between the North and the South in ideology. Even from the founding of the country the North and South had been divided. The Nullification crisis was the first event that highlighted the division between the North and South. The nullification crisis was the confrontation between the state of South Carolina and the federal government in 1832–33 over the former's attempt to declare null and void within the state the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. The disagreement on the secession of South Carolina caused further disagreements between the North and South (Document A). Buchanan and the Kansas Nebraska act was another dividing factor between the North and South. The Kansas Nebraska act was a disagreement between the North and South whether or not Kansas and Nebraska should be slave states or free states. Instead of telling the proslavery drafters of the Lecompton constitution that it was an invalid constitution, president Buchanan let the constitution pass through even though it was highly controversial. These proslavery individuals were the exact opposite of the extreme abolitionists who in Document B, express their distaste for popular sovereignty. This can be determined through a statement made during the Anti slavery convention where they state the government can regulate slave trade between individual states. The Brooks Sumner incident was an instance caused directly by the Kansas Nebraska act. …show more content…
The tensions caused by the bitter disagreements over the Kansas Nebraska act caused violence, which demonstrated an unlikeliness to compromise even in the most civil situations. In document E, Brooks is shown beating Sumner with his cane over statements Sumner stated about Brook’s morals and his family.. The compromise of 1850 was also an example of a political decision that cause disagreement within the country. By the act of California becoming a free state, upsetting the balance between the free and slave states, the equality of north and south in government was disrupted. This caused the south to feel not represented within the government, which was another reason that the south, and South Carolina specifically, wanted to secede. The Dredd Scott case was another important event before the year 1860. The decision of Robert Tracy to not free Dredd Scott caused an uproar within the northern abolitionists. In Document D senator Daniel Webster describes the return of slavery as a factor …show more content…
Lincoln ran on a platform of a northern party, which caused many southerners to strongly disagree with his ideologies. These differences between Lincoln and the southern people were a large factor in why the south began to secede almost immediately after Lincoln was elected. In 1858, Lincoln gave a speech, during the Lincoln Douglas debate, which is partially documented within document G. In his speech he describes how the discussion of slavery had invaded many different places throughout the society. It had invaded churches, home, and jobs. This debate over slavery was to morally devolved for a simple compromise to end the disputes. In document H, it can be seen that Lincoln’s election was highly disputed and disagreed upon. By the time 1860 had arrived, political parties of the north and south were based more strongly upon morals than on political beliefs. This shift in party reasoning caused the likeness of compromise to continue to

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