Whether it was being called a name or insulted, it is verbal bullying. Verbal abuse is sometimes hard to identify among children because it occurs when an authority figure is not present (Levine and Tamburrino 272). Verbal bullying is used to belittle or emotionally harm the victim. Verbal bullying is a much underestimated form of bullying. When victims do report cases of verbal attacks, the adults see it as kids joking or messing around with each other. When it comes to verbal abuse, adults will tell children to “ignore” the bully which may be hard to do if the attacks are constant and happen in a place where there is no escape. Adults may also use the phrase “Sticks and stone may break your bones but words will never hurt you”, but what they do not understand is that verbal bullying can leave deep emotional scarring on the …show more content…
Most teenagers have smart phones or laptops with access to the internet and are constantly on social media. Cyber bullying is the hardest form of bullying to address because it occurs through social media. With cyber bullying, someone can post on the internet anonymously and it does not usually happen on school premises which means it is very difficult to identify the bully. In a world where technology has taken over, cyber bullying has become more frequent and hard to ignore. Another reason cyber bullying is hard to detect is because “witnesses and victims of cyber bullying frequently do not report these incidents…” (Morrow and Downey 536). Adults will tell victims to “un-friend”, “un-follow”, or delete the bully from their social media but that will not stop the problem. The victim may stop seeing the attacks and insults but other students will. And when school comes around, those other students will laugh or talk about the harsh posts on the internet and make the victim feel bad or embarrassed. Then not only will the victim refuse to get on social media, they will also refuse to go to school. Cyber bullying may not happen in the “real world”, but it still damages the victim’s mental