Technology And Children Essay

Improved Essays
Technology and children In today’s society, seeing a child or teen spend up to seven hours a day using technology, may not seem excessive. Technology is becoming a major part of today’s society. From television to social media, the world revolves around technology. Yet, what are the effects of all this screen time? Is the overuse of technology something that can be beneficial or will it potentially damage upcoming generations? Some electronic use does have a positive impact on children and teen’s development when dealing with social and reasoning skills. However, there’s bad news as well. Many studies have revealed that too much time with electronics has been linked to risky behaviors, mood problems, and obesity. With More realistic and violent games such as Call of Duty and Battlefield, it’s no wonder today’s children have become more aggressive. Several studies have shown an increase in violent behavior resulting from these types of games. For instance, in most games the user plays the role of a specific character, which might entice the player to mimic their characters actions. For example, the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on September 16, 2013 may have had some correlation. The reports from the shooting claim these types of games may have had an impact on Aaron Alexis’s motives. Were violent games the main reason for Aarons actions? No, some mental issues most likely played the largest role. Nevertheless, violent games had a negative effect on his actions in some way. It would be to everyone’s benefit to limit the amount of mature games used by teens, as it could potentially cause many catastrophes such as the Washington Navy Yard shooting. Everyone always blames America’s obesity on the excessive amounts of unhealthy food, but in reality, it’s the lack of exercise technology brings causing this obesity. Entertaining a child is much easier for parents when they have the ability to just stick a tablet in front of their children to keep them busy. Likewise, everyone knows it is exhausting trying to constantly entertain them. However, this may have some negative effects. Studies show one to two hours of electronics per day is the healthy amount. Unbelievably, Children these days are spending an average of seven hours a day on some kind of electronic device. Unhealthy habits like these can last a lifetime. Keeping today’s children active will prevent these bad habits from continuing. With the large number of social networking sites and the even more overwhelming number of users, there is no arguing that sites such as Facebook could possibly be improving social skills. New sites emerge on what seems like a daily basis. Additionally, all these sites like Facebook and Twitter make it is easier than ever to …show more content…
Learning the harm it can cause is important for today’s society. Technology may not be going anywhere soon, so limiting the amount of screen time children get is the first step of many. The goal of parents should be to change that ridiculous number of seven hours down to the healthy number of one to two. Furthermore, parents should be weary of the kind of games their children are playing, not all games are fitting for all children. Overall, the important thing for people to realize is the negative impact technology is making on children and teens all around the

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