I’ve never done drugs and so far no one at Appalachian has ever pressured me to do them. Though after reading the Naked Roommate I learned that if I have friends who do drugs I will eventually start doing them myself. Drugs are something I don’t want in my life, so while in college I have to be smart about who I chose to hang out. I have to keep myself from situations were drugs might pop up.
Another lesson I learned about drugs is that if I’m ever going to do them it should be in a safe space around people I know. If someone does drugs around strangers I feel like there is a chance they will be taken advantage of by those strangers. Also doing drugs in an unsafe place puts a person in greater risk for becoming injured. I don’t do drugs, but if I ever experiment with drugs it will be with my friends and in a familiar place.
Dating/Sex Since I’ve been attending Appalachian I have not starting dating, but when I do start the Naked Roommate has taught me some important lessons. …show more content…
Though something from the book that really stuck with me was the part about loving yourself first. I liked how it went over every type of relationship including the one we have with ourselves. This taught me that I have to love myself first and put others second.
The section on online dating was really helpful to me because all my friends online date and I suggested I try it myself. If I ever do decided to online date I know the first date should be in a public place. People might not be who they say they are, so for my own safety I should tell a friend where I am going. Maybe even send texts to my friends during the first meeting to let them know I am safe.
I not great with money and have already used up my meal plan, so the tips on cheap eating were super helpful. I usually avoid going to a lot of function at school, but now I know that school events are another place to get food. In addition to functions, bring food from is another option then just spending a lot of money. My mom wanted to get me a credit card, but after reading and listening to a presentation of the dangers of using credit cards I told her it is best if I don’t use one right now. I don’t make that much from my work study and I don’t want to be like the people in Naked Roommate who messed up their credit by getting into debt. Having a credit card right now means having a bill I might not be able to pay. When I get a full-time job that when I can even think about getting a credit card. Drinking I not a drinker and so far I have only had half of a beer, but it was still important for me to know what to do if I ever do decided to drink. Like when drinking you should pace yourself and not drink too fast. Drinking fast will just make you drunker and sicker. Knowing what you’re drinking is another tip because the alcohol might be mix with something else that will make you sick. I used to judge people who drank alcohol, but after reading about the reasons people drink I have become more sympathetic. People sometimes use drinking as a crutch because they feel like their more free when their drunk. I understand being socially