In the development of a child it is important that a child has a father figure. It is important because fathers play a vital role in a child 's emotional and physical development. With so many fathers having the choice to just opt in or out of a child’s life leaves it difficult for a woman to decide on giving birth to a child. Once it comes to the point in women having a father in their child’s life or not gets scary. Scary because a child is life changing and not something easy to just take on by yourself. There are many things a father can bring to the table that a mother can necessarily not. A man is a crucial part of having a strong
In the development of a child it is important that a child has a father figure. It is important because fathers play a vital role in a child 's emotional and physical development. With so many fathers having the choice to just opt in or out of a child’s life leaves it difficult for a woman to decide on giving birth to a child. Once it comes to the point in women having a father in their child’s life or not gets scary. Scary because a child is life changing and not something easy to just take on by yourself. There are many things a father can bring to the table that a mother can necessarily not. A man is a crucial part of having a strong