I agree with this in some cases, but not all. In terms of discipline, I do agree. If your child is getting into trouble, they should be disciplined and treated in a certain way that shows them that their actions are wrong. Rachels’ belief is action based. The main reason I disagree with this is because of something we all learn as children, the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. The book states that morality is traditional. Therefore, some of the most important life lessons we learn, we learn as children. Sometimes, it is better to turn the other cheek, be positive, and not start a fight, even if the other person doesn’t deserve your kindness. We can only hope that the people receiving our positive vibes will be positive toward us. When you really think about it, Rachels’ theory on treating others based on the way they act is actually a part of the Golden Rule. Rachels’ theory comes in on the first receiving part of the cycle. What the receiver picks up is what guides them on how to treat the original sender. In his theory, you are the receiver. By treating others with the respect you want, you are the original …show more content…
There is, after all, more than a single person in world, and so long as that remains true, it is our duty to help one other. We are to feel compassion towards our neighbor and be a good Samaritan (Luke 10). It is our conscientious duty to help one another when the need is there. It always has been, is and will be that way until we leave this beautiful planet behind as a species. This provides the best outcome for the most amount of people. Our goals should be to leave the world better when we leave it than it was when we arrived. We should do good to others so that they will pay it forward and perhaps do it better than we ever could. Lastly, Rachels talks about being rewarded. He believes that we should be rewarded for working hard and not being lucky or just being naturally talented. My thoughts on this subject almost match those of Rachels. The only part that I differ in opinion with is that if the “talented” individual is working hard to improve his/her skill, I believe he/she may be rewarded for that and it still be considered fair to everyone else. If they are not trying to improve in any way and they are just taking advantage of their talent to be appreciated, they should not receive any