By simply using the phone for long periods of time can lead to eye problems. Such effects as headaches, eye irritation, and myopia can be caused by overextension of our eyes. Additionally, the HEV light that phones emit have the shortest wavelengths of visible light, so they have the greatest risk of damaging retinal tissue. Unbelievably, the average amount of time American 's spend looking at a screen is only 20 minutes less than the average amount of time that they sleep. With the increase in technological "gadgets" in the world such as video games, television, computer tasks, and cell phone updates, people find themselves too addicted to stop. Doctors have noted an easy solution that allows the viewer to experience as much discomfort as possible: simply by focusing on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds after every 20 minutes of electronic screen viewing can help re-set the eyes so that they are not locked at a certain distance ("SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and …show more content…
Primarily, kids should be out exploring the world, making friends, and rolling around on the ground. They should not have to waste their time on a device when they could be growing. When is school, youths will have an urge to play games or text in class instead of learning the needed material. Additionally, children have low visions of reality. They can easily forget about the data limit, leave their phone in the park, drop it on the floor, or look up inappropriate material (Brown). Many kids have been caught cheating on tests through the internet or texting back and forth between friends. This is making a great controversy in schools about forcing students to leave their phones in their lockers. Other schools, though, accept cell phones in school and even use them in the curriculum. By downloading apps, children can connect with the teacher 's computer and take tests or study on their phones (Boerma). Over usage or improper use of any technology can be dangerous, though, and parents should seriously assess the unique situation with their own child. Are they responsible? Is it a safe neighborhood? Can they be trusted to obey the parents ' guidelines? Can the parents cover the cost of damages (Perle)? The average $462 to buy their kid a new cell phone can be a tough decision, but many parents do not even consider the device 's safety rating (STUDY FINDS AVERAGE AGE OF