Unlike the MAVA receptive section of the test, Sarah Lee fell well below the age and grade expectations for children her age when administered the expressive section of the MAVA Test and the Told I;4. The expressive section of the MAVA examines the child’s speaking skills and their ability to use tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 words. This test is administered to children via pictures and prompts, and then the child is asked to answer questions and give information based on the pictures or what has been asked by the examiner. This half of the MAVA test also takes approximately 15 minutes to administer. Despite Sarah Lee’s best efforts, she struggled with the expressive portion of the MAVA test and …show more content…
Listening: 42%, meaning that Sarah Lee scored equal to or above 42% of her peers during this test. This portion of the test was fairly consistent with other children her age; therefore I can conclude that Sarah Lee most likely does not have issues with listening.
Organizing: 7%, meaning that Sarah Lee scored at or below 93% of the children her age that took this test, rending her score significantly low.
Speaking: 9%, meaning that Sarah Lee scored at or below 91% of the children her age that took this test, rending her score very low.
Grammar: 25%, meaning that Sarah Lee scored at or below 75% of the children her age that also took this; however, despite it being one of the better scores for this test, it is still below average.
Semantics: 5%, meaning that Sarah Lee scored at or below 95% of the children her age that took this test, rending her score significantly low.
Spoken language: 10%, meaning that Sarah Lee scored at or below 91% of the children her age that took this test, rending her score very