Pergamum is a known city for gladiatorial contests. Therefore, a letter is written to Calpurinus with an invitation to the seasonal gladiatorial contest in the city of Pergamum. Calpurnius is a benefactor of the people of Ephesus. He receives the invitation and decides to represent his city, Ephesus. However, a change in plans occur when Calpurnius’s brother son suddenly dies and he has to go to Caesarea to attend to his family. Luke comes into the novel when Calpurinus departs from Ephesus. Therefore, he begins writing to Antipas about Jesus
Pergamum is a known city for gladiatorial contests. Therefore, a letter is written to Calpurinus with an invitation to the seasonal gladiatorial contest in the city of Pergamum. Calpurnius is a benefactor of the people of Ephesus. He receives the invitation and decides to represent his city, Ephesus. However, a change in plans occur when Calpurnius’s brother son suddenly dies and he has to go to Caesarea to attend to his family. Luke comes into the novel when Calpurinus departs from Ephesus. Therefore, he begins writing to Antipas about Jesus