While Lycurgus left the Spartans shortly after his delivered his constitution, they continued to follow his laws for decades. Lycurgus established some harsh laws, some that would have been seen as brutal in the eyes of other Greeks. He established the agoge, which forced young children to partake in strict military training, also he banned all gold and silver in favor of iron currency. Even though both Athens and Sparta are very different Lycurgus and Solon had very similar strategies for getting the respect of their people and bringing success to their cities. Lycurgus sought out to find, “the perfection of the science of government”(Plutarch) in that he can create a system that would have no flaws and be able to work for years after he is gone. Much like Solon Lycurgus wanted his people to benefit from following his laws, and hopefully be motivated to follow them and their King. Plutarch said about the Spartan people, “the governed genuinely eager to take orders, just as the perfection of the art of riding is to make the horse respond to gentle guidance.” (Plutarch) This is extremely similar to the view Solon had on the Athenians and even though their societies are different is it clear that this good collective style of leadership can fit in multiple …show more content…
These leaders almost all share qualities that make them good leaders and using their power to benefit their followers and not themselves. When put in a position of great power many do not have the ability to manage it effectively and can become overwhelmed with the responsibility it takes to be a good leader and support their followers. Solon, Lycurgus, Agamemnon, and George Washington all share the qualities of good leadership through history and all instill the idea of collective leadership to bring success to their followers. This idea of collective leadership depends on the support of the people, and without that someone could never be a good leader. To lead effectively the followers must be able to communicate with their leader so that when their leader speaks it is the voice of his followers. A good leader is also someone who refrains from using “power-wielding” to rule over his followers. These examples, both from modern day and antiquity are examples of good leadership, while they all followed their own morals these leaders were able to create systems of polis favored by their followers not only because the actions they did benefitted their followers but because they were the voices of the people and united the people to work towards a collective