First, the disease is an important object in the story. The entire story is based about a disease that lay dormant in all humans for 9 months and then killed almost every human on earth. The survivors who were immune to the disease are extremely rare and only 1 out 1 million people lived. The disease …show more content…
The yellow hazmat suit people represent government and the chaos of the dying world. When the world was ending the people in yellow hazmat suits went around house to house searching for healthy people:”Four people with yellow hazmat suits got out of the vehicle. They split up into pairs, two people approaching each house”(Manuel 13).This shows how desperate the government was to find a cure. The yellow hazmat suits represented the chaos because they were hunting for people immune for the plague and creating terror and pandemonium in their wake. The government and the people wearing the suits know there is no way out of imminent death, but the hazmat suits leave a desperate scar on the character who are immune. One of todd's friends wasn't showing symptoms and was taken from his home form the yellow hazmat suits to try to find a cure. Even if he was immune to the plague he most likely ends up dead in a government facility. Later in the story the characters find out the hazmat suits were useless because the disease was dormant for 9 months before showing symptoms. People would have had to wear hazmat suits for 10 months straight to avoid becoming sick. The government workers wearing them during the outbreak were already infected, the suits were useless, and the people wearing them were …show more content…
When Todd and emily start to venture around raleigh North carolina, emily is most interested in exploring the empty city and todd is interested in gathering supplies. While Todd went to hunt ducks, he dropped Emily off at the North Carolina governor's old mansion and she explores the elegant structure. When she reaches the kitchen she notices a pungent smell, and hears scratched on a pantry closet door. Afraid of a wild animal she draws her gun and unlocks the door the scratching came from, and finds a white pitbull close to death and covered in feces. She brings the dog food and water and then cleans it. Emily finds out the dog's name is “Hubba, the first dog of North Carolina”(Manuel 113). Hubba is an important object because he is one of the only animals that survived the plague. The near dead animal also represents how quickly humanity dies. They all died so quick the dog was stranded and left for dead himself. Amung with the immune humans, one of the remaining relics of man's age is a dog. Hubba helps remind emily's family of a time before the rapture and is one of their last ties to civilization.
This story has a very interesting topic and takes place with relatable characters and in relatable settings. In the book The Last Tribe there are objects that are important to the story; the disease, the yellow hazmat suits,and the dog