He starts out by verbally confessing in the bed of his sleeping cousins. “I watched Hassan get raped!” (86). Amir also claims that he becomes an insomniac because of all his guilt tearing away at him, so he wants to be able to talk to some one about the circumstances but knows that he can’t. This is because of the fear of displeasing his father. Instead of talking to someone he announces his confession to his family who is not listening because they are asleep. Next Amir concedes to the truth during the time he invites Hassan to the pomegranate tree to hang out like they used to. Although instead of making up and becoming friends again he starts pelting Hassan with pomegranates. “What would you do if I hit you with this?” (93) Although it may not seem like it, but Amir is revealing that he has done wrong to Hassan and wants to become even with him. In order to achieve equality between the two Amir believes he must have Hassan get his revenge and as result, hurt him back with the pomegranates. Conclusively, Amir again admits his sins by telling Soraya everything “I have fifty-seven minutes left on this stupid calling card and I have muh to tell you, sit somewhere” (325). By Amir calling Soraya and telling her everything that happened in Afganistan and also that happened in his life shows determination to admitting his action and becoming …show more content…
First in chapter eight Amir turns 13 in 1976 and Baba invites 400 people to Amir’s Birthday party Midway through the party he leaves. “I leaned against the neighbors wall, slid down to the ground. I just sat there for a while, knees drawn to my chest, looking up at the stars, waiting for the night to be over.” At this point Amir begins to really suffer, because he realizes he lost his friend and is now alone. Amir laters suffers with mental pain during his confrontation with Assef. Towards the end of the book Amir feels entitled to rescue Hassans son, Sohrab, so he meets a Taliban leader, which so happens to be Amir’s childhood bully Assef. In this scene when Amir is rescuing Sohrab, Assef shows an obvious slave-like control of him. Assef makes Sohrab dance, “Sohrab danced in a circle, eyes closed,” touched him on the stomach, “he locked his arms around Sohrabs belly… hand slid up and down the boys belly” (280). This was obviously meant to hurt Amir buy showing him that he can do what ever he likes with him just like when he raped Hassan. Assef finally breaks Amir when he asks about Baba, “I felt the color drain from my face. My legs went cold. Numb” (281). Assef makes Amir feel like he has failed Hassan and mentally broke Amir. Making matters worse Assef tortures Amir physically after he tells him, “You have to earn him,"(286) and then proceeds to tells the guards, “when its all done, only one of us will