Why have there been some tribes and cultures, namely the Native American "Inuit", Inuit being the correct word, and the word they call themselves, as well as Navajo and others, who were [supposedly] cancer free before contact with Europeans in spite of, the high intake of animal protein in their diet?
In the case of the Inuit people, their diet was quite near 100% meat depending on time of year, consuming, whale blubber, seal, salmon, caribou, fermented birds, and even bear (yum yum). The supposedly cancer free Navajo seemed to have more variety, being from a more southerly climate, but still enjoyed elk, deer, prairie dogs, rabbit, and others. I don't think it is too hard for a logical thinker [who is all up into nutrition science] to understand why this is. …show more content…
Look at the Inuit, who ate a lot of caribou. As I keep mentioning in this blog, vitamin B17, also called nitrilosides, or Laetrille, occurs naturally in about 1800 plants. It is most highly available in apricot seeds, of which I eat 7 or 8 a day for cancer prevention. My theory on why the meat eaters such as the Intuit had historically low rates of cancer. Grass is very high in cancer fighting nitrilosides, (I think higher than most plants that are consumed by humans) which explains why grass fed beef is so much better for you. Anyway, the caribou eat the grass and tundra, the Inuit people eat the Caribou (not just the meat but other organs rich in nutrients), and since "you are what you eat" the bio-mass of the caribou is transferred to the Inuit, thus allowing them to get these nutrients from meat, and thus allowing them to supposedly have very low instances of cancer and other "Western Diseases". I think this will always be a controversial subject, with contradictory evidence back and forth, but I think we can look at valid evidence such as the Hopi Indians have had cancer rates of 1 in 1000 as opposed to 1 in 4 for the typical American, facts such as these can't be argued, just the confusion to why. Although many cultures and tribes around the world are "rumored" to be cancer free such as the Hunzas in Pakistan, this "low rates of cancer" phenomenon is EASILY verifiable in Native American Tribes, since extensive studies have been conducted, documented, and archived in a realm that we all can accept as a reliable method of science, that is via College University and Medical studies. I don't feel personally the above point can be argued……unless you like to argue and/or you are with the American Cancer Society, or American Medical Association, both of which would go out of business if we found the answers to all this. That's a cheap shot, but I had