Another example of how a partner may get jealous is because most people are more likely than unlikely to text you what they’re thinking or their feelings versus telling you straight to your face. To some, this statement may seem difficult to comprehend unless you are this person but to me it is actually somewhat interesting because I am on the other side of this argument.” Everybody uses their cell phones for different purposes each day. A comparison used in an article, states that “A 24/7, Internet-connected reality can feel like running in place, forever busy without accomplishing anything.” This quote stood out to me since it made me realize how we as humans have the ability to know any information in the world by simply raising your hand-held device, typing your question and clicking search. This experiment made me realize how much that I pick up my phone to check it, it also made me realize how much I stress about this device when I am without it. I use my cell phone for social and school related purposes. In order to get in contact with my family, friends and boyfriend I use my cell phone in numerous ways including FaceTime, iMessage, phone calls, Snapchat and Facebook. This device absolutely …show more content…
That’s where I was conflicted. My boyfriend lives 2 and a half hours away so we are constantly in contact because I do not see him on a day to day basis like I did before I left for college. I could not go any longer than an hour without finding myself texting a friend or on some type of social media including but not limited to Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, VSCO, Time hop, or Facebook! I was very surprised at myself because I thought I might’ve been able to do a little better than that. I need to learn how NOT to be hyper dependent with my cell phone. Another point to make is that for work, I use my cellphone to contact my manager and let him know that I will be visiting certain weekends as well as coming home for breaks often. This is where he either tells me I can work or lets me know that the schedule is full. With this tool, it makes getting in contact with my manager much easier than showing up to the store that weekend with less chances of getting hours to work. None the less, cell phones over all make my life 100% more easier than without