As he traveled, he fought in many battles with 5 major battles. He was almost always successful. So, the big question is how great is Alexander The Great?Alexander was great for these reasons; his concern for others, lasting legacy and his remarkable achievements. Alexander was great due to of his concern for others. For example, document C states during the battle of Tyre if you surrendered to him or sought sanctuary at the temple he would not kill you.…
Soon after his father's death, alexander took his fathers thrown and was in power and control. He used this opportunity to successfully conquer the Persian empire. he had a very powerful army, and he was known to be a genius for the military force. Alexander also succeeded to colonize the city of tyre.…
King Philip conquered Greek city-states and planned to fight the strongest empire, the Persian Empire. At age 20 his father King Philip was tragically assassinated, which left him to take the rule and finish what his father started. The Persian Empire was the strongest in the world, which gave Alexander the motivation to fight. He pushed through Persian controlled land, across Asia…
Alexander was nothing short of an astounding leader. He led his army from Macedonia to Asia, founding many towns and conquering many battles (Document A), and as shown in Document E, the chart shows how great of a leader Alexander was, and how impactful he was throughout his leadership position. It also shows how even hundreds of years after his death, people still took inspiration and honored him for the things he accomplished. To sum up, Alexander was such a spectacular leader, that we remember him today mostly for the fact of his impeccable leadership skills. In addition to this, at the age of 20, Alexander's father passed away and the kingdom was passed down to him.…
After he took power, he began establishing other city-states all names “Alexandria” His courage, leadership, and intelligence had made him great. Alexander the Great is the greatest because of his strong actions in the ancient times. Intelligence Alexander had intelligence by having the skills when building and fighting for his empire. The empire that he had inherited had grown a lot after Alexander took over.…
Alexander the Great was not truly great because he was an inhumane leader and his empire quickly collapsed after he died. Alexander wasn’t truly great because he was inhumane to other people and seemed like a bad general, “Ferocious manhunt…30,000 in number, he sold into slavery. Two thousand men of military age were crucified”(Doc C). He obtained 2,000,000 square miles and founded 70 cities(Doc E). However, in nearly every city, Alexander would sell most of the people into slavery and kill the remaining of the people.…
Once Alexander III of Macedonia’s father died, he inherited his throne and took over his empire at the age of twenty. Following in his father’s footsteps, he controlled a vast area of land, from Greece to Egypt extending to the Hindu Kush Mountains. Alexander did conquer over 3,000 miles of land, which is absurd, but his ruthless and sadistic manner doesn’t deserve the honoring title of “great”. Alexander was so power hungry, that his actions became deadly. He would pilfer every town and eradicate any obstacle in his quest for victory.…
A difference in caliber Generic yet decent introduction paragraph The Macedonian empire fell quickly following the untimely death of its leader, while the Mongolian empire persisted and grew after the death of the Genghis Khan. As stated by historians “his empire crumbled shortly after his premature death”. This displays how Alexander failed to establish any form of succession that could have saved his empire.…
Alexander the Great was a significant historical figure who was as great a commander as his name suggests. Whether it be his two million square miles of conquered land, or his contribution to science through his expeditions, he certainly was one of the most important people of his time. In fact, Alexander the Great had such a lasting effect, the era after him was named “The Hellenistic Period”, from Hellas, which is the word for Greece. Alexander the Great was a fearsome figure of the ancient times, who had conquered Egypt, Central Asia, and had even beat Persia’s army. Historical evidence suggests that Darius III, the then king of Persia, had set the battlefield to his favor.…
Alexander the Great was very important in Western Civilization, he conquered more land than any other king in this time. His reign as the King of Macedonia was important because he was able to lay down the foundations for the Hellenistic era. Alexander was the son of Phillip of Macedonia and king of Macedonia. His father, who had died wanted revenge on Persia and Alexander continued with his father’s plan to seek revenge against the Persians. Alexander on the other hand wanted total conquest, he had a dream of one world.…
Alexander achieved more noteworthy deeds than, not just of the rulers who had lived before him additionally of the individuals who were to come later down to our time .Alexander the Great was conceived at Pella Macedonia in 356 B.C.E. He spent his adolescence years watching his dad changing Macedonia into an extraordinary military force. His Father was King Phillip and his mom was Olympias. His mom was the rulers of neighboring Epirus.…
Alexander the Great is not that great because nothing is cool about putting his military in many wars and pressure. According to article “Study Say Alexander Not So Great.” “A young Alexander the Great thundered across what is now the Middle East on a bloody mission that ranks among the most brilliant military conquests in history. ”(#1).…
Assess the Legacy of Alexander the Great Alexander the Great’s legacy was the spreading of Greek (Hellenistic) culture across a large part of the Middle East and Asia, and significantly increasing the relationship between the East and West, which led to improved trade and the sharing of ideas. During his 13 years of empire expansion, Alexander the Great transformed the world. He had numerous military successes, almost conquering the entire known world at the time, and he is considered one of the greatest military commanders in history. However, Alexander the Great's legacy goes much further than his military conquests; his legacy also includes founding cities, influencing the Roman Empire, and bringing the western civilisation to the rest of…
Alexander the great was a great war leader who took over lands from Egypt to India, conquering the persian empire by the age of 30. I will show you how alexander the great was great through different bits of evidence. The evidence that I am using is from the legend of the helmet and headband, Alexander’s legacy, and the conquering of tyre. This evidence is from the legend of the helmet and the legend of the headband.…
The life and history of Alexander the Great, and the empire that he formed, has been studied by people ever since his death. Alexander’s empire ruled over a large portion of land from Greece in the west to India, in the east. His actions brought an end to the long standing conflict that the Persians and Greeks had with each other, established multiple cities that bore his name across the land that he conquered, had a major influence on future rulers, and had remnants that lasted until the time of the Roman Empire. Alexander not only had a prominent place in history, but he also contributed to advancements in military tactics of the ancient world. The life of Alexander had a far reaching effect on world history that lasted for centuries after his death, and the study of his life can help a person understand various facets of history that were inspired or influenced by his actions.…