Wes Moore 2 started selling drugs at a young age and his crimes got worse as he got older, he eventually tried to rob a jewelry store and shot and killed security guard. This lead him to being caught by the police and receiving a long prison sentence he is still currently serving. St. Francis and Wes Moore 2 are similar because he also became a prisoner but in a different way, he was captured and kept as a prisoner of war. St. Francis’s and Wes Moore’s 2 actions led them to a physical prison where all were forced to stay. St. Francis and Wes Moore 2 had two very different prison sentences, St. Francis was lucky and got released from prison in about a year but for Wes Moore 2 wasn’t so lucky and is still currently serving possibly the rest of his life in …show more content…
Francis has many similarities and differences with both Wes Moore’s and Robert Peace. Despite their physical differences St. Francis emotionally felt very similar to them and had to fight many of the same emotional battles they did. No matter how anyone grows up they are the only determinate of their future and looking at all of these peoples stories it shows that how you grow up doesn’t determine your future with