I love seclusion because it helps me think. I am perfectly content in the comfort of my mind. I like to be able to think, and the only way that I think best is when I am completely alone; without the distraction of someone else’s voice clouding my thoughts... I like when I am able to form stories right off the top of my head; writing comes naturally, like a second nature or sixth sense for me. I feel content when I am alone, perfectly secluded and in total silence, sometimes using music to guide me, it helps with the free flow of words and images when I listen to meaningful lyrics. I think well when I am
I love seclusion because it helps me think. I am perfectly content in the comfort of my mind. I like to be able to think, and the only way that I think best is when I am completely alone; without the distraction of someone else’s voice clouding my thoughts... I like when I am able to form stories right off the top of my head; writing comes naturally, like a second nature or sixth sense for me. I feel content when I am alone, perfectly secluded and in total silence, sometimes using music to guide me, it helps with the free flow of words and images when I listen to meaningful lyrics. I think well when I am