Consequently, the government should restrict content to remove violence from the media, because media violence disturbs the young adults minds between knowing what is right and wrong. Continuing in an article it says that, “Anderson (2004) reports that an updated meta-analysis revealed that …show more content…
With the government being involved, their would be less violence around the world. In the article it states that, “In the USA an average of 20-25 acts are shown in children 's television programmes each hour,with an average of three to five violent acts during prime-time television viewing.” (Browne, Giachritsis). This proves that each day for a child, he or she is exposed to a good amount of violence, While with government involvement he or she would not be exposed to violence on any type of technology. Another example of this is when it states that, “Meta-analytical studies have also shown that aggressive or antisocial behaviour is heightened in children and adolescents after watching violent television or films.”( Browne, Giachritsis).This shows that the more media violence children are watching, the more negative influence it has on them. For example, children becoming more isolated, and violent because of what they have seen on the media. An example of violence seen would be murder, shooting games, crime television shows, movies, and the news in general as