Several key factors can contribute to a person being more or less likely to experience PTSD. External factors that can impact the unlikely/likelihood of experiencing trauma can be:
1. The intensity and frequency of the traumatic events.
• the less intense and less frequent the event is the less likely PTSD will develop.
2. Leadership
• the type of leadership the individual has at the …show more content…
• if troops go through debriefing within 72 hours it will greatly lower the likelihood of developing PTSD.
Some internal factors that can contribute to an individual being more or less likely to experience PTSD are:
1. Attachment and significance to the event
• how “related” a person is to the traumatic event can greatly impact the likelihood of them experiencing PTSD. For example, if they were directly impacted by the event by being severally wounded, having a friend die next to them, etc., the more traumatic the event becomes because of their personal involvement and the emotions involved in the incident, therefore, they would be an increased chance for them to develop PTSD.
• If a person just witnessed a traumatic event but was not injured themselves and there was no “personal” loss to them (i.e. a friend), then the likelihood of experiencing PTSD is lessened.
2. Mental and emotional state prior to the event
• The more mentally and emotional “healthy” an individual is prior to a traumatic event, the less likely they will experience PTSD.
• If there are remaining unresolved issues from past traumas, this could increase the likelihood of the onset of