Those are some signs of the environment being affected by the increase of vehicle miles driven per year. The USA Environmental Protection Agency reported that "about one third of all energy-related greenhouse emission comes from transportation". The smog, carbon monoxide, and other air pollution gases (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, just to mention some), from the combustion of petroleum products used in transportation, compromise the quality of the planet air. Since gas price is extremely low, it does not only encourage individuals to travel more often it also may influence their decision of buying a less efficient car over a more clean and ecologic vehicle, which in turn is increasing the greenhouse-gas-emission. Although the used of hydraulic fracturing methods, to accelerate the natural process of oil extraction, may be beneficial for the United State economy, this technique is being argued by geologist because its negative impact to the environment which include the contamination of the ground, the air, and the water surfaces , along with the risk of induced earthquakes (Brown, 2014). Overall the contamination of the environment from the methods used to extract fossil oil, and from the high volume of combustible burned in transportation are expressed in global warming, with natural disasters and climate changes,
Those are some signs of the environment being affected by the increase of vehicle miles driven per year. The USA Environmental Protection Agency reported that "about one third of all energy-related greenhouse emission comes from transportation". The smog, carbon monoxide, and other air pollution gases (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, just to mention some), from the combustion of petroleum products used in transportation, compromise the quality of the planet air. Since gas price is extremely low, it does not only encourage individuals to travel more often it also may influence their decision of buying a less efficient car over a more clean and ecologic vehicle, which in turn is increasing the greenhouse-gas-emission. Although the used of hydraulic fracturing methods, to accelerate the natural process of oil extraction, may be beneficial for the United State economy, this technique is being argued by geologist because its negative impact to the environment which include the contamination of the ground, the air, and the water surfaces , along with the risk of induced earthquakes (Brown, 2014). Overall the contamination of the environment from the methods used to extract fossil oil, and from the high volume of combustible burned in transportation are expressed in global warming, with natural disasters and climate changes,