The traditional marriage here refers to the natural or the normal way that people used to get married, based on the community norms and legal rights toward marriage. Defining marriage is not that easy, because the meaning of marriage changes from time to time. Different people give us different views and different definitions of what marriage is based on their understanding. The natural way of getting married in traditional marriage is that the marriage is always blessed by the elders of the community after the wedding ceremony and that natural ceremony depends on the community. The courtship, wedding dowry and everything regarding …show more content…
We cannot pay or buy a human being even though this seems to be true in our communities. I want you to know today my friend that traditionally, there is nothing like buying the wife. This is the wrong understanding of blessed traditional marriages in our communities. I beseech you to do more research about how your people marry instead of closing your mind thinking you know all about it. You may not even know why your community marries the way they do until you ask questions to help you in finding out. Traditional marriage, even though not directed to the God of the Bible, is similar to the biblical marriage because there is blessing in both marriages whether you believe me or …show more content…
Courtship is the process in marriage and this is the first stage in the marriage process. The boy and the girl have to meet each other and they begin to talk about their future life – marriage.
Courtship in my community is always started with the introduction between the boy and the girl, the future wife and the future husband. Always it is the boy that begins the courtship by asking the girl if he can have a word with her.
It is not a must for the boy to begin the courtship talk immediately, because sometimes the girl can also inquire or ask the boy to tell her what his names are and other important information that the girl needs to have. Girls can ask the boys their names and where they come from if they meet for the first time in life. The fact is that it is always the boy that begins the conversation in our community. The boy can ask the girl what her name is and where she comes from, her parents, and even her tribe or sub-tribe if possible – part of a tradition. Does courtship mean asking the name of a boy or a girl? I never said that either. After the successful introduction the boy may ask the girl if it can be possible for him to come back and see the girl again at their home and now start to discuss their