This confused me. Seeing graduated people without jobs made me question if college really got you a job or not. I was curious if there was a better, less expensive, choice that could lead to a better chance of getting a job.
After a while of talking to people who have graduated from college and people who haven’t, I discovered trade and vocational schools. These schools are schooling systems that are specifically designed for one occupation. They’re built with curriculums that solely meant to teach and train students the skills and basic knowledge for a specific job.
As a society we have begun to focus on general academic instruction rather than the importance of workforce education. Grades have become dominant to life skills. In a two-year skill-based college that costs less, the average workforce student can come out of school with the skills to gain instant employment. According to the College Board, the average cost of tuition and fees at a two-year school is only $3,131, just over one-third of the cost for a year at a four-year public institution (College View). Should people pay more for an education that can’t guarantee …show more content…
The options that were presented to us were: go to college, go into the military, or attend a trade school/program and join the workforce. The options were asked in that specific order. When the first choice concerning college was asked, the vast majority, including myself, stood up. They counted about 90% of the class planned on going into college. Next they asked who was enlisting and about ten to fifteen students stood up. The class applauded in appreciation and then they sat back down. Once the administrator asked who planned on joining the workforce, only one person stood up. Students began to giggle and the one student got embarrassed. When this solo student stood up, and the classmate sitting next to me and whispered, “I’m probably going to do that too, but I don’t want anyone to know.” The situation had shown me that it’s frowned upon to skip college. People are trained to shun the students who choose not to go to