The Importance Of Theory And The Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Framework

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Introduction Theory and the biopsychosocial-spiritual framework are vital components in social work practice. By having an understanding of these two aspects, social workers ensure that they are taking appropriate actions while considering the entire context of a client’s situation and needs. This is particularly applicable when working with older adults, who benefit greatly from a holistic approach towards what is a unique and often misunderstood stage of life.

Theory and Social Work Theory is defined by Hutchinson (2015, p. 26) as a set of concepts and assumptions that help individuals to understand and explain how different aspects of their environment are organized and arranged, and how these interact and influence one another. Theories
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This biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment is a vital tool for social workers to understand each client 's subjective reality and their unique challenges and difficulties, as well as their strengths and resources (Simpson, Williams, & Segall 2007). For example, while social workers often view trauma and stress from an emotional angle, they must also know that these conditions can have profound biological influences on a client (Berzoff & Drisko, 2015). Likewise, using a biopsychosocial-spiritual framework can help social workers understand why two clients will differ even if they have the same diagnoses and similar cultural and social backgrounds (Berzhoff & Driscko, 2015). Finally, Simpson et al. (2007) point out that sociocultural systems are a vital part of how social workers empathize and connect with clients ' unique experiences. By utilizing the biopsychosocial-spiritual framework social workers ensure that they are not focusing on one segment of a client, while ignoring others that might have valuable information and influence on a client 's situation.
The Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Framework Applied to Older

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