Many bad things happened in the South throughout the Civil War and though the meaning of the flag was never established, it is possible to see how it represents white supremacy, since many neo-Nazi people used this flag as a symbol of white…
In this case, the flag was to represent the South, and led to community into the Civil War. The red, white, and blue represented in the flag represents the unity of this country’s overcoming, of battle and war. The “X” in the Confederate flag represents the South, along with the 13 stars which can be known as the 13 original colonies that are displayed in the flag. Many representations and perceptions have come about the flag throughout the history when it was adopted in 1861. From that time in 1861 during the days we live in today, the meaning behind the colors of the Confederate flag has certainly not changed of how people perceive the red, white, and blue flag of…
The Confederate flag stood for the states that supported and fought for slavery. Slavery was difficult times for African Americans. They were treated terribly and no one considered them actual people. “After the Civil War, the U.S. adopted three amendments to the Constitution meant to transform the lives of blacks.... Still, Southern…
Whether people that are for the flag or against it, there will always be different beliefs over this matter. We could all make it a little better if we left the past in the past and moved forward together to help make the future a better place for everyone. We all ought to strive to become people who can get along no matter what the differences are. We all should work together to help show the world how we can work together to accomplish all goals.…
The colors were mainly used for more of a movable land mark on the battlefield along with using them for identification of each of the units. The brave men that not only carried these colors but fought for them created such an emotional bond towards them giving it an almost religious significance, making this flag a patriotic symbol. While serving under these colors with such defiance and sovereignty they created a symbol of sacrifice, community, and treason while shaping the relationships between the soldiers and civilians, men and woman as well as masters and…
Veterans would be abandoned to take care of themselves and wouldn’t receive the special treatment they deserve,if we did not live in America or have the freedom we do today. Not many people know what each thing on the flag means; The white signifies purity and innocence; Red, hardiness and valor; and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. The stars represent the fifty states and the thirteen stripes stand for the thirteen colonies.…
It represents the Confederacy in the civil war, where many soldiers died. It is a part of Southern heritage, and it should not be associated simply with the evil of slavery. The Confederate Flag was first adopted on March 4, 1861 (U.S. The flag represents a historic time in our history.…
The American flag is one of the last symbols of hope. It stands for life, support and freedom. One example of how the flag is a symbol of life is when people die the veterans, the soldiers or anyone who worked for this country bring all the flags to half-mast to honor the people that die during the incident that occurred. When a flag is old and tattered persons cut the stars out and send them to friends and family so the flag is remembered but isn't “suffering”. The U.S. flag also stands for support.…
“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” For decades, these immortal words have rung from the mouths of thousands of Americans every day. Around the classrooms of public schools, at the beginning of sports meets, in the opening of a military meeting, the “Pledge of Allegiance” brings Americans back to the good ole’ days of fighting for our freedoms, loving our neighbors and earning our equality. But can the “Pledge” promise freedom and fairness to all when the oath itself is discriminatory towards American minorities? Should a pledge that only references the Christian majority serve as the oath for America, a nation that prides itself on equality, tolerance, and justice?…
Many Americans believe that the confederate flag was a symbol of racism from the South, but little do they know the meaning of the flag is far from racist. The Confederate flag also known as the Rebel flag came from the Southern States that tried succeeding from the Union before the Civil War. There were originally three successive designs that served at the nations flag from 1861 to 1865. The first flag was called “The Stars and Bars,” the second one was called “The Stainless Banner,” and the third flag was called “The Blood-Stained Banner,” In which none of them were made to symbolize slavery. These flags were made because the South decided to succeed from the Union for many reasons inquiring the social and economic difference they had.…
The colors of the Flag stand for many things. Red stands for hardiness and valour, white stands for purity and innocence, and blue, the color of the Chief, which is the broad band above the stripes, signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The stars on the flag, which was first an ancient symbol of India, Persia, and Egypt, symbolizes dominion and sovereignty. George Washington interpreted the symbolism of the American Flag as, “We take…
When i see that flag i think of a country that is filled with hardworking Americans that have the rights that are listed in our constitution and i think about the freedom that the citizens have thanks to the valor of thoes that came before us. The flag shows us that anything can be achivied if you not only believe in something but go out there and work anf fight for it. The flag inspires me to better in my everyday life and makes me want to be great like our past presidents. Everytime i see the red white and blue colors of the flag I think about how fortunate everyone in this country is and how we have the rights to speak our minds and we are allowed to elect people into office, It makes me think about how we have rights that so many others will never have and it reminds me to be thankful that we have brave men and women that are protecting our rights. The flag is such an inspirational symbol to everyone that lives in the United States of America it show the history of our nation and it tells a story of how we came to be a country.…
In the words of the great President Ronald Reagan, “… and let us never forget that in honoring our flag, we honor the American men and women who have courageously fought and died for it over the last 200 years, patriots who set an ideal above any consideration of self. Our flag flies free today…
We gather today to honor the men and women who have worn this nation's uniform. More importantly, we join together to thank them for their service and their devotion to duty. Since 1776 more than 48 million American men and women have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, many of them during a time of conflict or war. Since the birth of our Nation, no single generation has been spared the responsibility of defending the rights of the human spirit to breathe free from aggression.…
White signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; blue, signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice; and every 5 point white star represents the fifty states this democracy has united under one nation. And in this nation, the people have assembled themselves into one race that works together, fights and shows patriotism for this country they call home. Those who take pride in everything done in this country through patriotism love America. For example, every day for about the first 18 or more years of most American lives are used to look at this nation 's colors painted on a flag in a school classroom to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance.” At such a young age most are taught the significance of saying the pledge.…