For me personally I first found out about the Mona Lisa off the internet so as you can see the technology in today’s society set the platform for the Mona Lisa’s popularity to sky rocket.
As we move on from the popularity of the Mona Lisa, I will be discussing in great detail about the beginning of the Renaissance period in the 1400’s. During the beginning of this period that’s when self-portraits of people started to increasing throughout Italy. The reason why I think during time that so many self-portraits were being was because of humanism. According to “[its] parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music and science.” The way I see it painters were taking an interest in human beings and especially the thinks that were happening in this world. Additionally, including human achievements, individualism and these two values were very important to people during that era.
I personally think that humanism was a great movement because it allowed people to express there emotions and thoughts in an image and it gave artist so much opportunity in that era …show more content…
The millennials generation that I’m in has technology which supplies the materials to reproduce the Mona Lisa on the World Wide Web. In the modern world Mona Lisa is being used as funny image, which are called meme’s. According to memesit is “a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by
Internet users.”( These memes are all over there the internet a Mona Lisa with a moustache which was created by an artist called Marcel Duchamp. The portrait gave Mona Lisa a very masculine and hilarious feeling, because back in the day when I was a kid I remember draw moustache’s on women. The Mona Lisa legacy has brought tremendous changes to the art society and it gives the younger generation the ability to learn the history behind this painting and also the techniques that were used. Personally I was moved by the Mona Lisa because you can use this portrait in many ways. There is no other art portrait that can top the Mona in my opinion. The world renowned mystery behind the Mona Lisa have drove interest around