Should We Abolish The Electoral College?

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The reason for the Electoral College being an issue is due to the continuation of Presidential Elections having the winner not having the popular vote needed which is viewed to many as undemocratic. These elections consist of the 2000 election with Al Gore winning the Popular vote but George Bush winning the electoral vote, John Quincy Adams winning the Electoral College and Andrew Jackson winning the popular vote (1824), Benjamin Harrison winning the popular vote and Grover Cleveland winning the Electoral College (1888) and now the most recent with the 2016 election with Donald Trump winning the Electoral College and Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote but still lost the election . The Framers concerns for putting the Electoral College …show more content…
The first one is that it is an effective system that has been in place for several hundred years. The founding fathers of the United States took heavy considerations for the future of our country and were able to analyze the political system and the effectiveness of it for the future. As a nation, we have the ability to maintain a stable government due to the founding fathers hard work and effort for us. Alexander Hamilton and the rest of the founding fathers believed that the electors from the Electoral College would be able to make sure that solely a qualified candidate will become President for all future elections to come. The belief was that the Electoral College had an advantage of being a group that met only once every four years and was not to be manipulated over time by outside influence. (History Central) Second is that any other system would be just as flawed as the Electoral College. This is expressed through the District method and the Proportional voting system as stated previously. The greatest faults in those two systems is that with the District method..The most concerning flaw with Proportional voting is that smaller populated states would have virtually no power to the election outcome when compared to their larger more populated states counterparts. Presidential candidates would mainly stick to states such as California, New York, and Texas that have a dense population for eligible voters compared to smaller populated states like Vermont, Wyoming, and Alaska which would get extremely low influence in the election since larger populated states vote count more per person. (Fairvote) The third is that I do not trust the population to make the right choice due to self-interest of voters similar to how the founding fathers viewed this issue. For self interest voting, eligible voters will look at certain political issues which is mainly one or two

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