Excessive use of social media strains the body physically and mentally. Since …show more content…
People are using technology to give "the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship" (Turkle 1). Intimate relationships are decreasing because "[people] bend to the inanimate with new solicitude (xii).” Users tend to rely more on technology than on people, which increases the value one puts on social media versus the value put on intimate friendships. In addition, the verbal and nonverbal indications associated with face-to-face interactions are more intimate. For example, backchanneling, like saying the word "hmmm" or "wow!" has been associated with a higher level of intimacy (Snow 39). Touching, eye contact, furrowing the brow, and gazing are all nonverbal ways that increase intimacy (39). These social cues can only become natural through constant physical interaction; a detox from social media would force people to only communicate in