Marsh Creek Sixth Grade Center in the Downingtown School District has a 1 to 1 initiative …show more content…
Many parents have shared concerns about their child spending too much time on the IPad or not going outside to play because they are always on the IPad. There are more arguments between parents and children along with higher instances of cyber-bullying because of the unlimited access students have on their electronic devices. “ In fact, two thirds of students surveyed reported that cyber-bullying is just as serious as traditional bullying, if not worse, as people often feel shielded from the ramification of their actions, and therefore, may state things they would not ordinarily say in person,” stated Herrera.(p.2) Cyber bullying impacts not only a school but the community as well. It can have damaging effects on a student’s psyche that will impact society as they become adults within the community. “When polling 1,000 students ranging from ages 12 to 18 confirmed that six in ten teenage students (64.3%) have been a victim of cyber-bullying while four in ten (39.9%) have perpetrated an act of cyber-bullying,” commented Herrera. (p. 3). This issues becomes even larger when schools are providing electronic devices to each student with an unclear policy on the restrictions for the …show more content…
Students are very proficient in the art of communicating through electronic devices. Based on research conducted by Lay, “learners perceived the uses of mobile devices in learning as playful, dynamic and in the nature, moreover, the learners have the opportunity to explore the learning subject independently as well as through the collaboration of team work.” (p. 110). But how is this affecting their ability to verbalize their thoughts? Are they as socially age appropriate as sixth grade students twenty years ago? These are issues we will be facing as a society as generation Z moves towards adulthood. Will the student’s experience with these devices increase their technological skills enough to become contributing members of society? Marsh Creek Sixth Grade Center is in its second year of operation and is constantly updating, changing, and improving. The electronic device policy is an area that needs improvement within our school. The response to the IPad’s overall has been overwhelmingly positive, which benefits student learning and emphasizes the need to have a better electronic device policy so students, parents, and teachers have a clear objective for the use of the