Directions for writing: Write a letter to convince the committee that summer reading for high school students should be voluntary or required. Use specific details to support your position. ” Okay Ella, think! Think! What position do you want to choose? Voluntary or required? Do you want to speak for what you believe or for the position that is easier? Come on Ella think! Perfect; I’ll just jot down a few ideas for both, and the one that comes easier will be my position. I finally got a grip on this assessment…….. Or so I thought. Growing up I was quite a handful. I loved the idea of stories, as well as the idea of telling stories; so you can imagine how that was. My mother put it as “overly imaginative.” No matter the time or the place if I thought of a story, I would tell it, whether someone is listening or not. Just picture a little 4 year old, whom can barely pronounce words, constantly telling made up stories. Soon enough my mother, like any other parent, got annoyed of my mas amount of storytelling, and sought out how she could put the storytelling to …show more content…
Student had to take a series of different test) throughout middle school. 8th grade; I was finally the senior. Finally, I was the “big kid;” with being the “big kid” came big responsibilities, as well as big standardized test. In the state of Georgia in order for an 8th grader to move on to High school the student must pass the required test for all subjects called the CRCT and a writing assessment. Being that I was in gifted classes, we went through several mock trials at the writing test, before actually taking the writing test. I did fairly well on all of them but was still a little nervous upon taking the REAL writing test. The day of the writing test, came quickly and there was no running from it. I used all my writing techniques and ate up the writing test. I’ve never felt so confident in my writing until that very day. My teacher, Mr. Baker asked all of us how we thought we had done and if anyone thinks they could’ve exceeded or failed. Being that I was so confident I instantly thought I exceeded. I was right; I was more than right. I not only exceeded, but also received a PERFECT SCORE on the writing test. Upon receiving that news, I felt indestructible. I was ready for any writing test that someone threw at