The Importance Of Sin In Dante's Inferno

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Sin has always been an underlying aspect of Catholicism, outlining the disciplinary system of the religion. Committing one of these determined immoral acts is considered an offense against the divine law, resulting in some form of eternal suffering depending on the severity of the crime. In the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, Dante’s Inferno, the reader is presented an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. As the pair descend through Hell, Dante is exposed to the brutal suffering that is a reality for those who have defied the divine law. In Canto V of the book, Dante and Virgil enter the second circle of Hell: home to the souls of the lustful, or the promiscuous and impulsive. According to the model of the church, the lustful are always considered sinners regardless of individual case-by-case circumstances. With that being said, Dante’s conversations with the trapped souls and discoveries made during his visit reveals some inconsistencies within the rules of the church. In the second circle of hell, Dante’s conversation with Francesca da Rimini’s soul and his clear demonstration of sympathy towards the lustful illustrates the sin as a universal impulsivity; he is subtly pointing out …show more content…
Dante and Virgil encounter the trapped soul of Francesca da Rimini, a former Italian member of royalty who is forced into a loveless marriage for political reasons. She ends up falling in love with her husband’s younger brother, Paolo, and has an affair with him. When Francesca’s husband, Gianciotto Malatesta, finds out about it, he murders both her and Paolo. The lovers are sent to hell to eternally suffer with the rest of the lustful. In tears and moved by this outcome, Dante asks Francesca how she and Paolo fell in love. She responds by taking Dante through a

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