Student Nutrition Research Paper

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With gym class seeming pointless to many it leads many to want to skip it entirely. (cite) Which my schools and many others offer to students who are part of two school sport teams. These influenced students to think physical education was more for getting people to do physical activity and doesn’t show the why and how to build healthy fitness habits. Many students on the sports teams in school didn’t want to play games in class seeing how student participation wasn’t always guaranteed. This would be because my teacher wouldn’t motivate us to try our best and wouldn’t help us with our mistakes. (cite) This would lead to many students to playing the game wrong or being bad at the games which would turn of many from physical activity all together. No one likes being bad at something and no one wants to be seen being bad at a sport in front of others. Therefore, would rather give no effort and have an excuse on why they did poorly instead of having a chance of trying their best and giving maximum effort. The food I ate school matched the food I’d eat out of school. I didn’t see the purpose of eating healthy because I wasn’t fully informed on the health risks of poor nutrition. I’d eat tons and tons of junk food outside of school to make up for eating the few unhealthy options in ala carte. Being how the schools lunch wasn’t that tasty. I’d go to ale carte and buy the cheap chips and fries almost every day. It wasn’t the most filling but it was cheap and I knew I’d eat plenty of junk food after school. I wasn’t aware of what eat affects your body, emotions, and energy. (cite) But I figured since the schools allow you to eat this way and don’t give you any better choices, that this way was the only way. I wasn’t taught on what and how much of something I should eat. I wasn’t aware the food you feed your body can benefit or harm you. I lacked healthy habits and figured all food was basically the same but just minor differences. My food preferences and choices originated from the food I had at school. If I tried the meat loaf at school before I’ve ever had it at home. The first tasting would dictate my views of that food. Such as, when I had spaghetti in school and I didn’t like it and itt was the only choice other than the few other least attractive items. I began to dislike all spaghettis and pastas not knowing anything about receipts, ingredients, and how two different dishes of the same food can be completely different in the taste, nutrient values, and unhealthy nutrients. Also at my school their fruits such as, apples would be sour from the coating over them that keeps them fresh. It made me and many others turn away from apples. Therefore, ill prepared foods of “healthy foods” is just as bad as unhealthy food options because it turns kids off healthy foods.. With the school lunches, not always being healthy or tasty would confuse the students on what they should and need to eat. School lunches doesn’t always promote healthy nutrition seeing that the healthy options that are available are more expensive and the variety is much lower than the foods lower in nutrition value. Our opinion of food is developed at young age therefore, schools need to change the way their food is prepped, cooked, and served. While also, pushing the importance of eating a healthy nutrition meal and the risks of not following it. Otherwise people will continue to eat less at school, bring unhealthy lunches from home, or fill up on …show more content…
Health class that briefly goes over nutrition needs to separate to just nutrition class that goes over everything and have it continues with the child through school like other mandatory classes. This way the student begins to learn at a younger age to only get a better understanding as his education continues. (cite) Therefore, promoting a healthy lifestyle because students will have more of an understanding of nutrition unlike the current condensed health class. Such as, how kids learn languages better at a younger age unlike when they’re older.

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