The place of religion in Australian schools
As stated before Australia is a multi-cultural and multi-faith society …show more content…
In this case it would not focus on or preach one particular religion of the world over another, but instead teach children about the world’s religions (Halafoff, 2011). Religion as a learning area should focus on education “from religion” where “students consider different answers to major moral and religious questions in order to develop their own views” (Berglund, 2005). This would allow student’s to engage with and compare the many different religions of the world in the quest to form their own set of values, ideals and beliefs. Religion as a learning area would give children awareness of diverse religious worldviews and equip them with the tools required to participate and flourish in an increasingly diverse society, such as Australia (Halafoff, 2012). Therefore, incorporating religion as its own learning area is the most beneficial way of introducing religion into the Australian National …show more content…
Firstly in a multi-faith society religion provides children with the opportunity to engage and learn about the many different religions of the world (Halafoff, 2012). This ensures that students have a greater sense of awareness, respect and understanding for the many different religions associated with Australian society. Religion also provides students with the tools, knowledge and understandings that are crucial to living and working in a religiously diverse country such as Australia. Niemi (2005) states that religious education “opens pathways to living and acting in a multi-cultural, global world” (p. 43). Therefore one of the greatest values of teaching religion is that it promotes social inclusion and ensures that students leave school with the knowledge and skills necessary to live and act in a multi-faith