The descriptive research method could obtain the comprehensive and detailed characteristics through careful observation, and then induce the systematic interpretation and theory (Wang and Schneider, 2000). From the benefits of interview methods, Greener (2011, p.9) believes some unexpected and micro-level information will appear, which will be helpful to gain more new ideas of research question. Also, the complex and concrete research question will focus on individual descriptions, amount of inside views can be complementary to each other. While fieldwork is an effective method to observe every sentence, every expression and every action of the participants and makes it more objective and real (Bridges, Flatley and Meyer, 2010). Moreover, a sincere and honest relationship between the researcher and the older people will be developed smoothly so as to gain more real information (Wang and Schneider, 2000). All in all, it could be identified obviously qualitative research especially interview method has been supported by some scholars from above illustrations when it applies to the issue of older people’s social …show more content…
Such method is a systematic, rigorous and deductive procedure from theory to practice (Greener, 2011, p.6). From its epistemological positions, it is generally favoured by positivists and objectivists not only due to it is not limited by subjective feelings of respondents (Alston and bowles, 2003, p.11), but also it is an empirical method (Pierre, Adams and Roulston, 2006). In particular, compared with qualitative methods, quantitative methods usually are used widely since data collected is regarded as “reliable” and “accurate” (Wacquant, 1992). This is the reason why quantitative designs will get more supports in many articles (Hanson, 2008; Grant, Ward and Rong, 1987). In terms of social work, questionnaire method is based on the data to describe the event or relationship between the two or more events (Gorard, 2003, p.43). However, less papers about older people’s social care have utilised this method to apply to social care practice. Especially when the respondents are involved with environment, it is difficult to explore more and detailed influential factors of social care by using quantitative method. Makai et al. (2014) produce a review on economic evaluations in social care for older people, which aims to compare different wellbeing of life in physical and psychological dimensions through questionnaire. Similarly, Weinberg et al. (2003) explore different authorities’