In this discussion, examine how school districts can ensure that parents are actively and meaningfully involved in the special education process. Stated another way, how are procedural safeguards implemented in day-to-day administrative practice to ensure that parents are involved in their children’s education. Give specific examples that relate to the content in the chapter and instructor notes.
Safeguards ensuring that parents would be involved in planning their child’s special education go back to the passage of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Yell, 2012, p. 291). Procedural safeguards are used by school districts as a guide when making decisions, while substantive safeguards refer to an individual’s rights. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act has procedural …show more content…
Mediation is voluntary and is an attempt to resolve a dispute through collaboration, which is facilitated by a mediator. Mediation may be attempted before a due process hearing. “When a mediation session is conducted, a neutral third party helps the parents and the school personnel arrive at their own solution to the disagreement,” (Yell, p. 300). The due process hearing is conducted when the parents and the school are at odds about the student’s special education. The hearing employs an impartial party to hear both sides of the issue, and then determine the resolution for the dispute. “Parents may request a due process hearing to contest a school’s identification, evaluation, educational placement or provision of FAPE,” (Yell, p. 301). In a due process hearing, both parties may have legal counsel. Throughout the due process hearing, a child must remain in the current placement (Yell, p. 305). Mediation and due process hearing allow parents and the school to reach an agreement on what is best for the child, keeping the parents involved in the decision making