White Privileges In American Culture

Superior Essays
In the modern age, we are taught that all people are equal and every person, no matter their race or gender are awarded the same privileges. Is this in fact really true? Many people seem to get a little shaky on the topic of privilege and race. When a black man speaks about the injustices against his people the majority of this country are unable to empathize due to the fact that they can never step foot in their shoes. Privileges are defined by the people who have them. White America has privileges that, in turn, other races in this nation will never be able to exercise. In truth, White privilege is not only real, but it entails more caveats for other races to never be able to exceed the height of social equality that the majority so comfortably …show more content…
So with this in mind take an omniscient view of the social hierarchy in America. Minorities in this country have made historic milestones in order to have the rights and status that they have today. Although those advancements in American culture are truly substantial discrimination has yet to dissipate. White people live in a metaphorical bubble, and the message that is trying to be conveyed is that there are countless forms of racism and discrimination that White Americans will never have to concern themselves about. The impact of this social institution is significant in our culture. The significance is that although institutions like slavery and the Latino Civil Rights movements are disbanded there are many injustices that still take place among minorities in the US. The white population never has conflicts over their basic rights as humans. As a minority the way you interact with people, the way you perceive the world as well as the way the world perceives you considerably depends on your race. Knowledge of what it means to exercise white privilege is not only important for White America but for other races as …show more content…
White privilege is defined by the actions that majorities and minorities commit against each other. This entails the way people speak as well as the way society interacts with other. Although, there are many contributing factors to why white privilege is still standing today. Education, law enforcement, and social mechanics all have the potential to be reformed, and changed, for the betterment of the forthcoming generations. The key to equality is to plan for the future by producing new ideas that promote the values that many civil rights campaigns so vigorously advocate. White Americans shouldn’t seek to sympathize with the minorities because that goal is simply unattainable. White America should use their privilege not to oppress others and promote superiority, but to encourage others no matter their race to push for a new future. A future where there is no black or white privilege but a new idea equal privilege, and contrary to popular belief that’s a future worth working

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