“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes them meaningful”. Obstacles are problems, given to us humans to solve. It could be something as big as being born with a disability or something as simple as learning how to ride a bike. Overcoming obstacles are never easy to begin with. Most obstacles are extremely hard and challenging. But by overcoming them, you’ll know why they are important. The importance of overcoming obstacles in life is to make you braver, stronger, and wiser. Everyone has their own obstacles to overcome, and some are illustrated by my own experience of learning how to ride a bike, John Green’s experience of going against his mental illness, and Thor’s experience of …show more content…
For some, it’s as easy as walking. But for me, it’s as hard as a PAT test. Learning how to ride a bike with only two wheels is hard for me. When I was younger, I got a new bike from my mom. I remember how happy I was when I got it. But I’ve never really tried it because I was scared of falling off of it and hurting myself in the process. There was even a time when my friends can already ride it, while I still can’t. I remember that I envied them because I also want to ride my bike, but I know that I was too scared to try it after all. After a while of not trying, my friends decided that they would help me learn how to ride it. Even though I was a scared for my dear life, they helped me get through it. They helped me get over my fear of falling off a bicycle. As I have overcome my obstacles, I learned that riding a bike is fun. At first, it won’t be easy to try and ride it, but in the end it’s all worth it. Overcoming my obstacle is hard. It took some time to for me to beat it, but overcoming it has made me braver. It gave me the guts to explore and try something …show more content…
It’s a characteristic that doesn’t exist in Thor. Thor is a fictional character from the marvel movie series, Thor. He is strong, brave, and fearless but he’s also reckless. His lack of intelligence is one his major weakness. He’s all muscles but not brains. And that’s often the reason as to why he always make reckless decisions and he’s always caught by the bad guys. Obstacles are often thrown in Thor’s way. Villains from here and there have come to gather to where he is just to end him, and every time they do, Thor would always beat them. He is the god of thunder after all. But one day, an evil being has appeared before him and destroyed his weapon like it’s a piece of glass. Thor has come to the realization that she’s far stronger than him. Hela, the obnoxious being is his very own sister, who has come to destroy their hometown, Asgard for the sake of getting her revenge. Hela was disowned by their father because of her bad intentions that can possibly lead to a war. She was the biggest obstacle that Thor has ever encountered so far. And it seems that to defeat her, he’ll also have to use his brain. It took Thor’s right eye getting taken away for him to defeat Hela. Overcoming a stronger enemy has made Thor wiser. He has realized that in order to win, a wiser decision must be made instead of a reckless