Since its inception in the society, music industry has shown tremendous transformation, concerning the artists, labels, and marketing what is demarcated as music business is not the trade of solely making songs but also a platform to monetize an artist success. The three sources Chief Keef by Hopper,The and the science of Global Pop Domination by Noris,and The Doctor is in by Seabrook entail themes such as; the business aspect in the music industry should be scrutinized due to the major negative and positive impacts played by record labels on the commerce of music, authenticity of the artist that is capable of benefitting the record, and lastly, the concern that the artist is often advertised for profit, which …show more content…
reality, and the artist productivity can benefit the record label.Chief Keef songs epitomize the gangster rap that his audiences are yearning to hear (Hopper 155). His image is not misconstrued with his reality which makes more credible.Chief Keef is”the prince of murder –capital Chicago rap”(Hopper 154).This characteristic made him more popular than other artist that was on the verge of success with him.Norris agrees with this because The Black eyes peas is not uniformed and everyone in group maintain a sense of individuality(156) said,”I go to Brazil, they think I’m Brazilian,I go to Panama they think I’m Panamian because I speak Spanish..(154).He’s able to capture a variety of audience because his group is true to themselves.In Seabrook article contrast this notion because for major record their prime focus is monetary success. Seabrook said”charges of theft are rampant in Top 40 business” he mentioned that pop music sound similar because there are manufactured product songs (13). He also assert that Dr.Luke went into some changes of image as time progress in his career (Seabrook …show more content…
Ideally, artists are seen as brands that are possessed and operated by the company. Touring is no longer about promotion, and live performances are ways to publicize new releases, showcasing the artist as tools to make money. A performance is an object in itself, a separate talent, different from making soundtracks (Hopper 153-154).Seabrook states that major record labels advertise to make “hitmaker” songs as their incentive for producing artist music (4-15).Dr.Luke prime focus is to check stats and data,”He’s always checking charts to determine the song popularity(Seabrook 4).Keef , on the hand, charges his performance as little as 10,000 and he does not have any record label to advertise his music(Hopper153-155). Keef advertise his music by showcasing in a venue with a lot broadcast his song to Ads from Apple,Pepsi,Target, and the president of the United States because his of the diversity of his music make him marketable. To music have no fix boundaries and it happens when music is diverse it easy to make money from it