Henrietta trusted the medical system when she had abnormal bleeding when it was not time for her monthly cycle. The choice to go see a doctor altered the course of medicine forever. At the time of Henrietta going to John Hopkins, the drive to get cells to exist outside of the human body was at an all-time high. Medical researchers tried to get a multitude of different cell samples to live, but they all had the same fate. The cells that were taken from the human bodies all ended up dying. These cells were taken throughout different medical procedures and tasks, most without the consent of the individual they were taken from. Desires to find the solution to cells dying outside of the body lead to this form of human experimentation, stealing of cells. In the case of Henrietta Lack, her samples of cells were taken from her in the process of a treatment for cervical cancer. Two different samples were taken from Henrietta during that treatment, one of the cancer tumor, the other of her healthy cervix. The stolen cells from her ended up being the cells that the entire medical world was looking to try and get their hands on. Henrietta's cells were able to grow outside the body, while also being able to reproduce and grow into massive quantities. George Gey was scientist that discovered the growth of her cells. In this process of experimenting with the cells, he sent them around the world for other researchers to experiment with as well. Rebecca Skloot writes, "He sent shipments of HeLa cells to researchers in Texas, India, New York, Amsterdam, and many places between. Those researchers gave them to more researchers, who gave them to more still" (Skloot 57). Allowing for the spreading of these cells permitted that not only could Gey preform experiments on human cells, now anyone that had them
Henrietta trusted the medical system when she had abnormal bleeding when it was not time for her monthly cycle. The choice to go see a doctor altered the course of medicine forever. At the time of Henrietta going to John Hopkins, the drive to get cells to exist outside of the human body was at an all-time high. Medical researchers tried to get a multitude of different cell samples to live, but they all had the same fate. The cells that were taken from the human bodies all ended up dying. These cells were taken throughout different medical procedures and tasks, most without the consent of the individual they were taken from. Desires to find the solution to cells dying outside of the body lead to this form of human experimentation, stealing of cells. In the case of Henrietta Lack, her samples of cells were taken from her in the process of a treatment for cervical cancer. Two different samples were taken from Henrietta during that treatment, one of the cancer tumor, the other of her healthy cervix. The stolen cells from her ended up being the cells that the entire medical world was looking to try and get their hands on. Henrietta's cells were able to grow outside the body, while also being able to reproduce and grow into massive quantities. George Gey was scientist that discovered the growth of her cells. In this process of experimenting with the cells, he sent them around the world for other researchers to experiment with as well. Rebecca Skloot writes, "He sent shipments of HeLa cells to researchers in Texas, India, New York, Amsterdam, and many places between. Those researchers gave them to more researchers, who gave them to more still" (Skloot 57). Allowing for the spreading of these cells permitted that not only could Gey preform experiments on human cells, now anyone that had them