Harmony and rest are the essence of shalom, and grace is the mechanism by which it is obtained (Matthew 11:28); so that the truth of God, and his grace, is exalted above the polarization of humanity, the spirit of Christ Jesus speaks in Matthew 9:10-13, the words of John 10:7, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man”. I believe, that it is this truth (John 10:7), that the grace of God continues today to reconcile the unchurched unto himself; so that we are but the mouth pieces by which voice of God is heard. So as it relates to the non-churched, I believe that the ministry of reconciliation begins with the intimacy. This is the knowing of the person and not just their physical needs. When we know a person, the compassion of Christ is exalted in our being, the walls of shame, guilt and inadequacy are removed and then the charity that comes from our heart to meet the physical needs, also awakens their hope …show more content…
In the same manner, I also engage groups of people who gather for a common purpose such as business networking or entrepreneurial development and within the corporate structure of those organization, I am able to use my influence as a leader to minister Godly principles and Christian values that help business professional find spirit of God in the work they do and the businesses they build. When Jesus engaged the woman at the well of Jacob (John 4:1-29), he did not preach to her as he would to the churched, but rather his ministry engaged her; and as her awareness of Jesus, shifted from being just a Jew, to a Prophet, and ultimately the Christ, she was so moved she responded by seeking others to come see a man. When Jesus, asked the man at the pool of Bethesda, will he be made whole (John 5:6), he did not engage him rhetoric about his condition or question him about the last time he had been to the temple, but rather he met the need. When Jesus saw the man blind from birth, and his disciples asked him, what sin did the man or his parents commit that he be born blind (John 9:2), Jesus