This part of the video dealt with the interaction between the doctor and Barbara during her home visit for a routine check up. The interpersonal skills used and one barrier to the communication process, during the interaction is discussed in this part. The interpersonal skills are very important part of the health care sector therefore, the health care professionals needs to develop this in their practice (Bach and Grant, 2009). In the clinical settings the interpersonal skills are very important to improve the standards of quality of care and failure to maintain that standard may put patients or health care professions at risk. Studies found that maintain good interpersonal skills can lead to create a friendly …show more content…
The nurse approached Barbara offering a help to get a wash and Barbara refused to have one, and she was asking about her husband. The interpersonal skills evident in the scenario are verbal, non verbal communication skills and the listening skills, attending skills, and observation skills. According to NMC (2015) a nurse needs to develop good interpersonal skills in her carrier to provide high quality nursing care. In the scenario, along with the above explained interpersonal skills, the nurse used nonverbal communication skills such as eye contact, touch, tone of voice etc to communicate effectively with Barbara. When Barbara became emotionally upset about her husband Len, the nurse touched her hand and reassured her. Literature suggests that, touch has been described as the fundamental part of the communication process and it can amplify the intensity of emotional display from the face and voice (Hertenstein and Matthew, …show more content…
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RCN (2015) COMMUNICATION. Available at: (Accessed: 31st October