Societal issue, such as homelessness affects micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work. Micro practice is the most common social work practice in the profession. Micro level focuses on individual or family counseling. Social workers engage with individuals …show more content…
Financial burdens, mental and physical health, substance abuse, incarceration and sudden changes in family’s dimensions are some of the causes for homelessness (Somerville, 2013). One of the main reasons why people experience homelessness is the lack of affordable housing. Specifically, people in more urban areas are in need of additional housing and other resources such as education, and medical care (National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2016). Although policy changes in regards of affordable housing have changed, it still remains a great challenge to the majority (Amato & MacDonald, 2011). In addition, incarceration is one of the risk factors that could potentially lead to housing loss and future challenges in employment, and housing due to their criminal record (McQuistion, Gorroochurn, Hsu & Caton, …show more content…
However, it has been reported that people with substance abuse do not receive proper treatment due to high cost and lack of insurance. Since homeless population does not receive any financial support, insurance, or medical care, substance abuse treatments may be unattainable (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009). It is important to understand that substance abuse may be the cause, or the result of homelessness, therefore, it is crucial to provide substance abuse treatments alongside with the social services that provide help with housing, employment, education and mental health (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009). Another important step is homeless shelters. Throughout the United States, homeless shelters have many rules and regulations. Most of them prohibit any type of substance use or illegal drugs. Since many homeless are struggling with substance abuse and addictions, they are automatically unable to receive shelter services (Coalition for the Homeless, 2016). Although a homeless shelter is a great outlet for the homeless, it is only temporary. Most homeless shelters do not provide with additional