To have homeostasis is to have balance. This term helps us to understand how families cope with changes or their emotional lives (Smith & Ingoldsby, 2009). While working with the guidance counselor, we have been seeing a third grader who has had some adjustment problems with a new baby in the house and a younger cousin that has moved in. The mother has told us that she has the children on a routine in order to keep the house balanced and functioning properly. Although the boy does not like the big change in the house it has helped him get adequate sleep, but also crave attention. The mother is doing what she knows best in keeping the home …show more content…
Boundaries is the degree of closeness within the family (Herring, 2015). Everyone has their own boundaries. The boundaries can be either open/flexible or closed/rigid. During my time with the guidance counselor, I have noticed that she has to watch how she speaks with the parents of the children she works with. Mrs. Gunnell the counselor has been trained to watch what boundaries she can and cannot cross with the parents. We have been working with a student that is diagnosed with depression. She works with the girl twice a week and as needed. The girl has opened all information to the counselor and contains an open boundary with her. Open boundaries allow easy information to flow. The mother of the girl is trying to keep things “hush hush” and has a closed boundary. This causes the counselor to be careful about what she says to the mother for fear of resistance. Boundaries are very important being a school counselor. I have learned that before speaking with the student or parent, I need to pay close attention to how they both react and how to deliver information so that I will not cross any