behavior and our development have been directly affected by our childhood experiences, and
also, which role family plays in personal development. Even though excessive family care
may be inappropriate at times, family plays a fundamental role in childhood development.
This paper will first examine how family is an essential part of childhood development. In
addition, I will discuss which skills a child may acquire from his or her family’s cultural
conduct; finally, I will reflect on how such conduct may positively or negatively affect the
child’s confidence.
A child develops many of their skills in the early years of his or her life. For …show more content…
There are numerous skills that a toddler may acquire from a positive environment. The most
important are the ability to socialize and the ability to read and solve diverse problems,
known as problem-solving skills. The child also develops soft-skills, such as self-esteem and
respect for others. On the other hand, a family lacking the proper support described, and a
child experiencing abuses at an early age like drug abuse and violence, may lead to deeper
issues such as insecurity, difficulty socializing and anxiety. Family factors play a fundamental
rule, a recent study on alcohol consequences in early age development says: "In terms of
family factors, parent alcohol problems predicted children's lower perceived risk, and higher
parent-child conflict predicted more positive expectancies"(Patrick, Wray-Lake, Maggs,
2017, p.1). This study is focused on alcohol abuses but another research from a known
Journal shows how other type of abuses such as state of depression and violence may cause
traumas on children. "After controlling for numerous socio-demographic factors, analyses
indicate that maternal depressive symptoms, intimate partner violence, and