Creativity Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

Improved Essays
Creativity, an essential skill that can simultaneously help advance the world and communicate different perceptions of an idea, has gradually declined since 1990. Original ideas are vital when it comes to problem solving, technological advancements, communication, and much more. If the public worldwide stops creating new ideas, the world will experience a plateau rather than growth in development. In order to boost creativity in the population, it is best to start at the foundation of all skills, school. Supported by a scientific study and personal experience, creative thinking should be taught in school, because without explicit practice of thinking creatively, the mind begins to lose that skill. When an artist exercises their creativity, …show more content…
Because of this, their minds are then used to only thinking inside the box, rather than outside of it. To prove this, scientists tested the creative minds of adults and children. In a case study, fifty adults and fifty kids were shown a set of droodles, which are simple drawings that have no meaning to them. The goal of the test was to find as many meanings to the droodles no matter how absurd they may be. One of the droodles had two thin rectangles with a red circle in between them. The adults began to interpret the droodle as a tomato sandwich, a tomato in between chopsticks, or even an apple sandwich, but that was the maximum amount of interpretations they could think of. About 75% of the adults tested could not think of more than three ideas per drawing. On the other hand, the children that were tested consistently came up with at least five or more interpretations of each drawing. With the same droodle, the kids thought of a flashing light, an emergency button, sushi, and french fries with ketchup. Obviously, children are exceedingly more proficient with producing a range of ideas from one meaningless drawing than adults. Through the case study, it is very apparent that as we age, our creativity

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