Supporter credit the team work to common core. They also claim that common core will increase critical thinking in the students. Sadly, most parents noticed their children’s grades decreasing. Parents stated that they have seen a change in their children’s self-esteem since common core was implemented (Barclay). How is this truly benefiting America’s youth? The mathematics curriculum is complicated. It takes a simple math problem that should only have three steps to the solution and turns it into a fifteen-step process. Is this what pro common core view as critical thinking? There has been a great deal of emphasis placed upon common core’s ability to increase the national average because of its comparable bench- marking internationally. Five of 23 validation committee members whom would not endorse the final standards because there was no proof to compare the average too (Stergios). The real problem with common core’s bench-marking is that prior to implementing it, no state was on the same standards. This has led some states average to increase while other states have had a decrease (Famer). So it seems that the standards meet in the middle to give a unified average. Common core brings the educational state standards to an even playing field; this change is not for the better. Finally, there is the problem with monetary issues. Supporters of common core claim it will lower costs on testing, scoring and reporting (Meador). This may be true over the course of years the savings will start to show, however, during the early phases of implementing common core there are expenditures most schools didn’t realize when first signing up. Since most of the testing will be online, there will be a need for
Supporter credit the team work to common core. They also claim that common core will increase critical thinking in the students. Sadly, most parents noticed their children’s grades decreasing. Parents stated that they have seen a change in their children’s self-esteem since common core was implemented (Barclay). How is this truly benefiting America’s youth? The mathematics curriculum is complicated. It takes a simple math problem that should only have three steps to the solution and turns it into a fifteen-step process. Is this what pro common core view as critical thinking? There has been a great deal of emphasis placed upon common core’s ability to increase the national average because of its comparable bench- marking internationally. Five of 23 validation committee members whom would not endorse the final standards because there was no proof to compare the average too (Stergios). The real problem with common core’s bench-marking is that prior to implementing it, no state was on the same standards. This has led some states average to increase while other states have had a decrease (Famer). So it seems that the standards meet in the middle to give a unified average. Common core brings the educational state standards to an even playing field; this change is not for the better. Finally, there is the problem with monetary issues. Supporters of common core claim it will lower costs on testing, scoring and reporting (Meador). This may be true over the course of years the savings will start to show, however, during the early phases of implementing common core there are expenditures most schools didn’t realize when first signing up. Since most of the testing will be online, there will be a need for