To learn how to achieve success in that certain degree, you can use, go to undergraduate programs, go to the certain degree you would like to pursue, see what is required in order to achieve that degree. If you are interested in graduate school, it is important to look at different schools in the field you are interested in and what the requirements are in order to get in. Although these aspects are important, it is vital that you include time to relax, hang out with your friends, and get good grades at the same time in order to create the ultimate college experience. To prepare to entering college as an undergraduate, it’s helpful to recognize what foundations and skills that is expected of students at Central Michigan University. Being professional, characteristics, and ethical will greatly help you become the student you want to be by helping you meet new people, show your true self, and getting introduced to new opportunities. Getting involved in a RSO is a great idea in order to explore the field of your career before going into it. I would also suggest joining a sport or activity to keep you involved and meeting others with the same interest as you. I have gone to RSO visits and it helped me get a better idea of what I want to do. I have gone to the academic advisor and she had shown me the paths I would have to take in order to pursue the degrees I was interested in. I would also suggest taking a class that introduces you to the profession you are going to go into such as I am taking right now. It is Intro to Health Professions and it allowed me to get a better idea of what …show more content…
There are several techniques to help you get used to campus life that I have used myself. The first piece of advice is don’t be scared to make new friends in college because these people will most likely be around for a majority of your life. Also, be involved on campus, it will allow you to create friendships with other people on campus and may look good on future resumes. Don’t be discouraged if you tend to struggle adjusting to college because it is a whole new environment that takes time to get used to. My most important piece of advice is to make sure you make time for school and for friends. Creating a fine line between those two will allow you to ultimately succeed here at Central Michigan