Weapons Of Mass Distraction Analysis

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“Different does not mean deficient”, these wise words were said by Reverend Dr.Jeremiah Wright in his interview. The foundation for the injustices done to black people that have taken place in America transpired due to hate; and this hate stems from one major factor: being different. In their interviews, Dr.Wright and James Cone mentioned and elaborated on a lot of topics that, in my opinion, need to be discussed more often instead of what Kim Kardashian is doing in her life. Too often we find ourselves losing our consciousness to “Weapons of Mass Distraction” as Dr. J.V. Pimienta-Bey would so eloquently put it. “Unashamedly black and unapologetically Christan”(Dr.Wright), was coined to uplift black Christians that felt that they had to …show more content…
It reminded me of the many white people that felt, and still feel, that to say Black Power was to say that our race needs to be superior instead. I feel that these two are similar because of their disregard of what the true message and point is. James Cone talks about this issue in his excerpt from Black Theology and the Black Church: Where do We Go from Here?,and it has to deal with the definitions that people already have put in place. He said “For the power of definition is a prerogative that oppressors never want to give up” (Sernett), this means that to change a definition of something is to change the status quo. If you are someone in power all you would care about is how you can stay in said power or have your life remain the same and by not being willing to change these definition you are not willing to change you perception. I feel that this could be applied to Bill Moyers asking that question. On top of the many negative perceptions of black people one is that in order for us to feel black pride we have to be putting down another race. That is not the case and to me it seems that white people always have this perception because they are aware that is how they rose to being the “higher race”. …show more content…
Martin Luther King Jr.), “The struggle can make the difference” (Reverend Dr.Jeremiah Wright).All of these quotes were said by very intelligent leaders in the African American community. The common denominator is struggle. It also explains that in order to grow you have to experience that struggle. I feel that as humans one or our purposes is in life is it to grow. If you are not experiencing growth in yourself and trying to promote growth in others what are you doing? It is also important to note that growth requires courage and Wright said that “There is courage in the struggle for justice and peace”; therefore, one would have to endure that struggle to find the courage to begin to

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