I wanted to further my research on English Language Learning students and their education because I plan to teach in a very diverse state and I want to be able to teach all of them to the best of my ability. English Language Learners are students learning English as their second language. There are many ways a teacher can accommodate this student. They could give the student their test in a native language, they could have all of the notes translated into their native language, or even give them additional time on a test to make sure they fully understand the material, since it is not their first language. In 1980, the ACT allowed accommodations for students who needed them which include, “extended time, magnifying glass, large type, Braille edition, braille embosser, audio-cassette editions, use of a reader, assistance filling out the answer sheet, slate and stylus, use of a tape recorder, and signing of instructions” (Thurlow, M. L., 2014, 443). While not all of these apply to ethnic minority student, teachers can use these accommodations and give their students these for all of their …show more content…
Australia higher education did a study on how using technology in a classroom can help students from low socioeconomic statuses can help them succeed in their education. I wanted to further my education in students from a lower socioeconomic status because even if a teacher is teaching in a nice area, there can still be a student who is struggling financially. When an older student is from a low socioeconomic status, they are typically working a full time job to help pay for their family expenses. A student can often find that they need to choose work over school. To help these students, teachers can use technology to post the lectures or class materials online if the student has to miss because of work. A student from the study stated, “that whole online concept, where you can email your lecturers, and you nearly feel like you’ve got 24-hour access to your learning material [is helpful]. There’s even learning material put on a couple of weeks in advance, so if I’m on task ... I can look ahead and see what’s coming” (Devlin, M., & Mckay, J., 2016, 99). If a student knows what is ahead in the course, they can schedule more hours for working and know when they need to take time