The three key terms for this unit are: globalization, culture, and social responsibility. The lessons will be focused not merely on the history timeline of popular culture or the differences between popular music genres, but explore on the more important big idea of how popular culture have influenced in the formation of current culture and national identities. The …show more content…
The content knowledge will cover culture, popular culture, and the impact of political demographics on popular culture after WWII, along with how national and culture identity, especially the Australian identity, is influenced by popular culture. We want to develop students’ cooperation, communication, negotiation, presentation, and historical thinking skills throughout the unit. We focused on the AUSVels level 10 standards for Humanities, Music, and English learning areas and make sure that the intended standards are scaffolded via assessment task or learning activities (ACARA, 2016). We also have the global perspective education in mind when designing the unit, and put strong focus on the roots of different popular culture genres, their underlying cultural values, and the issue of culture appropriation (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012). We expect that after the unit students will develop the value towards respect and cultural appreciation towards different culture