Kennedy who had won his election with numerous votes from the female electorate. When Kennedy only appointed 9 women candidates to his 240-seated presidential appointments, Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady, decided it was time to step in. Roosevelt sent the White house a list of women capable of holding high administrative positions and Esther Peterson, head of the Women’s Bureau, approached Kennedy about creating a commission to address women’s issues. In response, Kennedy created the President’s commission on the status of women in 1961. The commission issued a sixty-page report in 1963 titled American Women. It called for equal pay, better educational opportunities and social services for women. It sparked the fire of the Women’s suffrage movement that had been left mainly dormant for the 20 years
Kennedy who had won his election with numerous votes from the female electorate. When Kennedy only appointed 9 women candidates to his 240-seated presidential appointments, Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady, decided it was time to step in. Roosevelt sent the White house a list of women capable of holding high administrative positions and Esther Peterson, head of the Women’s Bureau, approached Kennedy about creating a commission to address women’s issues. In response, Kennedy created the President’s commission on the status of women in 1961. The commission issued a sixty-page report in 1963 titled American Women. It called for equal pay, better educational opportunities and social services for women. It sparked the fire of the Women’s suffrage movement that had been left mainly dormant for the 20 years